Source Code Name Case count Share of cases (%)
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(T598) Toxic effect of other specified gases, fumes and vapours 62
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(T599) Toxic effect of gases, fumes and vapours, unspecified 24
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(T598) Toxic effect of other specified gases, fumes and vapours 21
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(T597) Toxic effect of carbon dioxide 13
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(T598) Toxic effect of other specified gases, fumes and vapours. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 13
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(T597) Toxic effect of carbon dioxide 12
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(T599) Toxic effect of gases, fumes and vapours, unspecified 12
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(T599) Toxic effect of gases, fumes and vapours, unspecified. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 10
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(T594) Toxic effect of chlorine gas 9
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(T590) Toxic effect of nitrogen oxides 7
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(T595) Toxic effect of fluorine gas and hydrogen fluoride 7
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(T59) Toxic effect of other gases, fumes and vapours. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 7
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(T594) Toxic effect of chlorine gas 6
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(T590) Toxic effect of nitrogen oxides 5
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(T593) Toxic effect of lacrimogenic gas 5