Source Code Name Case count Share of cases (%)
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(R55) Syncope and collapse 17204
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(R418) Other and unspecified symptoms and signs involving cognitive functions and awareness 11304
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(R55) Syncope and collapse 7803
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(R55) Syncope and collapse. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 4178
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(N179) Acute renal failure, unspecified 4078
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(R418) Other and unspecified symptoms and signs involving cognitive functions and awareness. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 3776
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(N179) Acute renal failure, unspecified 3593
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(R418) Other and unspecified symptoms and signs involving cognitive functions and awareness 2150
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(J961) Chronic respiratory failure 2040
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(J961) Chronic respiratory failure 1934
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(I460) Cardiac arrest with successful resuscitation 1548
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(I460) Cardiac arrest with successful resuscitation 1245
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(J960) Acute respiratory failure 1233
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(N178) Other acute renal failure 913
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(I959) Hypotension, unspecified 862
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(R402) Coma, unspecified 835
INPAT INPAT_ICD9(7802X) General symptoms, Syncope and collapse 656
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(N178) Other acute renal failure 633
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(I959) Hypotension, unspecified. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 579
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(J960) Acute respiratory failure 538
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(I959) Hypotension, unspecified 494
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(N170) Acute renal failure with tubular necrosis 399
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(E872) Acidosis 375
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(R402) Coma, unspecified 373
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(N179) Acute renal failure, unspecified. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 367
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(E872) Acidosis 364
DEATH DEATH_ICD10(N179) Acute renal failure, unspecified 358
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(J969) Respiratory failure, unspecified 351
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(N170) Acute renal failure with tubular necrosis 349
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(I469) Cardiac arrest, unspecified 326
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(R400) Somnolence 322
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(K720) Acute and subacute hepatic failure 319
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(J969) Respiratory failure, unspecified 319
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(K729) Hepatic failure, unspecified 315
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(J961) Chronic respiratory failure. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 285
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(K729) Hepatic failure, unspecified 272
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(K720) Acute and subacute hepatic failure 247
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(J80) Adult respiratory distress syndrome 242
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(D695) Secondary thrombocytopenia 216
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(N17) Acute renal failure. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 195
DEATH DEATH_ICD10(J961) Chronic respiratory failure 192
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(D695) Secondary thrombocytopenia 180
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(I469) Cardiac arrest, unspecified 167
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(G934) Encephalopathy, unspecified 167
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(G934) Encephalopathy, unspecified 159
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(I460) Cardiac arrest with successful resuscitation. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 120
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(J80) Adult respiratory distress syndrome 104
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(R400) Somnolence 100
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(R402) Coma, unspecified. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 97
DEATH DEATH_ICD10(J80) Adult respiratory distress syndrome 92
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(N009) Acute nephritic syndrome, Unspecified 90
DEATH DEATH_ICD10(J960) Acute respiratory failure 81
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(I461) Sudden cardiac death, so described 81
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(J969) Respiratory failure, unspecified. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 81
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(N009) Acute nephritic syndrome, Unspecified 79
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(R570) Cardiogenic shock 78
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(R092) Respiratory arrest. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 75
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(K729) Hepatic failure, unspecified. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 69
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(N178) Other acute renal failure. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 69
DEATH DEATH_ICD10(I461) Sudden cardiac death, so described 68
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(D65) Disseminated intravascular coagulation [defibrination syndrome] 68
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(N17) Acute renal failure 65
DEATH DEATH_ICD10(N178) Other acute renal failure 53
DEATH DEATH_ICD10(K720) Acute and subacute hepatic failure 50
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(N17) Acute renal failure 50
INPAT INPAT_ICD9(4589X) Hypotension, unspecified 48
INPAT INPAT_ICD9(7800A) Alteration of consciousness 47
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(D65) Disseminated intravascular coagulation [defibrination syndrome] 47
DEATH DEATH_ICD10(I469) Cardiac arrest, unspecified 46
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(N171) Acute renal failure with acute cortical necrosis 46
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(R570) Cardiogenic shock 46
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(R400) Somnolence. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 46
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(N171) Acute renal failure with acute cortical necrosis 45
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(N000) Acute nephritic syndrome, Minor glomerular abnormality 43
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(R579) Shock, unspecified 42
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(G934) Encephalopathy, unspecified. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 42
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(J960) Acute respiratory failure. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 37
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(R578) Other shock 36
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(R571) Hypovolaemic shock 36
DEATH DEATH_ICD10(K729) Hepatic failure, unspecified 33
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(R571) Hypovolaemic shock 32
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(N002) Acute nephritic syndrome, Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis 31
DEATH DEATH_ICD10(I460) Cardiac arrest with successful resuscitation 30
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(I461) Sudden cardiac death, so described 30
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(K720) Acute and subacute hepatic failure. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 29
DEATH DEATH_ICD10(E872) Acidosis 28
DEATH DEATH_ICD10(N170) Acute renal failure with tubular necrosis 28
INPAT INPAT_ICD9(3483X) Encephalopathy, not elsewhere classified 28
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(J952) Acute pulmonary insufficiency following nonthoracic surgery 26
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(N000) Acute nephritic syndrome, Minor glomerular abnormality 26
INPAT INPAT_ICD9(5809A) Acute glomerulonephritis with unspecified pathological lesion in kidney 26
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(D695) Secondary thrombocytopenia. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 26
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(R090) Asphyxia 24
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(R401) Stupor 22
INPAT INPAT_ICD9(5849X) Acute kidney failure, unspecified 21
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(R092) Respiratory arrest 20
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(N008) Acute nephritic syndrome, Other 20
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(I461) Sudden cardiac death, so described. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 20
DEATH DEATH_ICD10(R570) Cardiogenic shock 19
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(R579) Shock, unspecified 19
INPAT INPAT_ICD9(5845X) Acute renal failure, With lesion of tubular necrosis 19
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(R092) Respiratory arrest 19
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(N002) Acute nephritic syndrome, Diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis 18
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(N003) Acute nephritic syndrome, Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis 18
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(E872) Acidosis. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 18
INPAT INPAT_ICD9(5185A) Pulmonary insufficiency following trauma and surgery 16
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(N003) Acute nephritic syndrome, Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis 14
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(J80) Adult respiratory distress syndrome. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 14
INPAT INPAT_ICD9(5809B) Acute glomerulonephritis with unspecified pathological lesion in kidney 13
INPAT INPAT_ICD9(7991A) Respiratory arrest 13
DEATH DEATH_ICD10(R092) Respiratory arrest 12
INPAT INPAT_ICD9(5848X) Acute kidney failure with other specified pathological lesion in kidney 12
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(N001) Acute nephritic syndrome, Focal and segmental glomerular lesions 12
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(N170) Acute renal failure with tubular necrosis. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 12
DEATH DEATH_ICD10(G934) Encephalopathy, unspecified 11
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(R401) Stupor 11
INPAT INPAT_ICD9(5808A) Acute glomerulonephritis, With other specified pathological lesion in kidney 10
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(N007) Acute nephritic syndrome, Diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis 10
DEATH DEATH_ICD10(D65) Disseminated intravascular coagulation [defibrination syndrome] 9
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(N005) Acute nephritic syndrome, Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis 9
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(R090) Asphyxia 9
INPAT INPAT_ICD9(4275A) Cardiac arrest 9
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(N005) Acute nephritic syndrome, Diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis 9
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(N008) Acute nephritic syndrome, Other 8
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(R578) Other shock 8
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(I469) Cardiac arrest, unspecified. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 8
DEATH DEATH_ICD10(J969) Respiratory failure, unspecified 7
INPAT INPAT_ICD9(2874X) Purpura and other haemorrhagic conditions, Secondary thrombocytopenia 7
INPAT INPAT_ICD9(5700A) Acute and subacute necrosis of liver 7
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(I46) Cardiac arrest. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 7
DEATH DEATH_ICD10(D695) Secondary thrombocytopenia 6
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(N007) Acute nephritic syndrome, Diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis 6
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(I46) Cardiac arrest 6
OUTPAT OUTPAT_ICD10(J952) Acute pulmonary insufficiency following nonthoracic surgery 6
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(N00) Acute nephritic syndrome. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 6
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(R579) Shock, unspecified. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 6
DEATH DEATH_ICD10(R579) Shock, unspecified 5
DEATH DEATH_ICD9(5185A) Pulmonary insufficiency following trauma and surgery 5
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(N001) Acute nephritic syndrome, Focal and segmental glomerular lesions 5
INPAT INPAT_ICD10(N172) Acute renal failure with medullary necrosis 5
INPAT INPAT_ICD9(5845A) Acute renal failure, With lesion of tubular necrosis 5
INPAT INPAT_ICD9(5845E) Acute renal failure, With lesion of tubular necrosis 5
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(N000) Acute nephritic syndrome, Minor glomerular abnormality. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 5
PRIM_OUT PRIM_OUT_NOT_USED_ICD10(N009) Acute nephritic syndrome, Unspecified. Not used in endpoint definition. POSSIBLY INACCURATE IN COMPLEX ENDPOINTS! 5